Hi, I'm a "D", and oh so much more! (Actually, I am a CS+D)
After 90+ years of research and development, the Everything DiSC® model has evolved into a more drilled down personalized representation of your personality, preferences, and tendencies. DISC founding father, William Marston, identified major contributing factors in his book, The Emotions of Normal People, published in 1928, and research continues to evolve the DiSC model into the comprehensive tool that it is today. Did you know that there are now more traits than the 4 classic profiles (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, Conscientiousness)?
Have you taken your DiSC® assessment for a better understanding of yourself and of others? If you have completed it in the last few years, you know that there is now a DOT location within the four basic styles, Dominance, influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness, narrowing down your style towards one of the 12 regions indicating your tendencies. The dot locations distance from the edge of the circle also shows how naturally inclined you are to encompass the characteristics of your DiSC style. The closer to the outer edge indicates a probable stronger inclination.
We are all so unique, and Everything DiSC® recognizes that. Each person's DOT location and shading on the DiSC map tells an individual story. Is your dot located closer to the edge or to the middle?
Everything DiSC® has identified eight priorities associated to each of the four styles: Results, Action, Enthusiasm, Collaboration, Support, Stability, Accuracy, and Challenge. Each person's DOT represents a stronger inclination towards three or more of these priorities. What priorities most resonate with you?
Some of the advantages of using the Everything DiSC® assessment tools include:
1. Building better relationships. Individuals can learn similarities and differences, showing where they complement each other and where they may share blind spots.
2. Gauge Group Dynamics. Understanding each team members style can help when creating teams of diversity for a well-rounded representation.
3. Adaptation and Stress. Using this information, individuals can learn how to stretch beyond their natural tendencies in instances and adapt for better results. Can you think of someone you would like to better relate to?
Who are YOU really? D? i? S? C? or Di? iS? SC? CD? Everything DiSC can help you determine that. Do you have a good understanding of how to identify when you may need to stretch in your daily life and also recognize the stress this may cause? Do you want tools to help you better understand relationships and patterns with others?
The Everything DiSC® model is built from years of research to become an intuitive, meaningful, and memorable tool. As an Authorized Everything DiSC® Partner and Trainer, I can bring this valuable tool to you. Contact me to find out more.
