2/17/2022: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is a day to promote equal rights for all Americans, regardless of their background. Former President Ronald Reagan sighed MLK Day into law as a federal holiday in 1983 and three years later, Illinois was the first state to observe the holiday.
Many employers (33% in 2007) give their employees the day off on MLK Day in observation. Also, the federal legislation, King Day of Service, signed by Past President Bill Clinton in 1994, challenges Americans to transform the King Holiday into a day of citizen action volunteer service in honor of King. This day of service has been coordinated nationally by the Corporation for National and Community Service, a federal agency, which provides grants to organizations that coordinate service activities on MLK Day.
Reverend King was clearly a man of vision, conviction, and action. He called for nonviolent activism and was the chief spokesperson for the Civil Rights Movement, which opposed racial discrimination in federal and state laws. Human Rights, Equality, and Peace were his driving force behind his actions. What are you passionate about and how will your actions support your heart's driver?
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